Need copyright data? Search 1000 recordings in one minute with Blokur’s Drag and Drop tool

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Drag and Drop matching dashboard! Looking for music metadata or need to find songwriter and publishing info for recordings at scale? Save time and use our Drag and Drop tool to search 1000 recordings in just one minute. Simply upload a file and we will do the hard work surfacing the underlying rights info!

How does it work?

The drag and drop matching tool allows a user to match recordings to the underlying compositions, matching 1000 in just one minute. Typically it can take a whole day to manually search for around 80 songs, so instead of 12 days to find the 1000 (based on the average time it takes a human to manually search for the same number of songs), users can instantly get those results in just a minute.

The user can simply upload a .csv or .tsv file containing the ISRC, title and artist name of recordings for which they wish to surface the underlying copyright information. Using our unique sub-graph matching technology, the file is processed, returning the results in just a minute.

Drag and Drop process

You’ll get back a report showing you the songwriters, publishers and US mechanical shares for the underlying composition for any recording that is matched.

Who is it for?

Because so many activities in the music industry require matching between recordings and publishing rights, our new feature serves a wide range of user needs. Below outlines just a few examples:

Blokur Drag and Drop use cases 1
Blokur Drag and Drop use cases 2
3Blokur Drag and Drop use cases 3
Blokur Drag and Drop use cases 4

Want to give it a try?

Click HERE to try the Drag and Drop feature!

Or just log in to your Blokur Search account to see the new changes to the dashboard. 

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